


2. 布朗大厅
4. 桑德里奇学生中心
5. 桑德斯大厅
6. 卡库
7. 教学楼
8. 水域大厅
9. 卡特体育馆


桑德里奇学生中心从桑德里奇学生中心开始参观. (你也可以在这里找到更多关于这所大学的信息.)

在楼梯的左边, you will see 威廉斯堡金雨 (22) 和 to the right of the stairs you will see 河农场贞洁树 (23.) Continue down the sidewalk to 水域大厅 where you will find 天使活橡树 (25) in front of Waters.

威廉斯堡金雨22. 威廉斯堡金雨
特文生物学笔记: 这棵美丽的树, 原产于中国, 给它所处的任何风景都增添了光彩, 在树的世界里有一种罕见的景象:黄花! Blooming Starts in mid-to-late summer 和 usually begins three years after planning. The blooms of these trees are also a great way to attract bees, 因为他们似乎喜欢五颜六色的花.

河农场贞洁树23. 河农场贞洁树(牡荆)

天使活橡树25. 天使活橡树(维吉尼亚州栎属)
奥利维亚的生物笔记: 当种植在开阔的地方, the Southern Live Oak is distinguished by an enormous trunk 和 great branches originating low on the trunk. A distinct broad crown of simple evergreen or semi-evergreen leaves is characteristic of this common oak of the south. The wood was once so vital to shipbuilding that the United States established the first publicly protected forest to ensure a continuing supply of timber for naval use.

Then turn left between 桑德里奇学生中心 和 水域大厅 和 up the stairs to see 赛勒斯·霍尔麦考密克梓树 (24).

赛勒斯·霍尔麦考密克梓树24. 麦考密克梓(梓)
特文斯生物学笔记: 有心形的落叶, 豆状种子荚, 和艳丽的花朵, these trees grab the attention of anyone who walks by them. These trees are also the only home to the larvae of the catalpa sphinx moth, a worm that made these trees a popular attraction of anglers. It is said that back in the old times this quality increased property values.

琐事 (The answer to this 和 other trivia questions can be found at the end of the virtual tour.)


Why does the Southern Live Oak tend to adopt a more sprawling growth habit in South Alabama vs North Alabama?

If a tree has large, colorful flowers, like the catalpas, what tends to pollinate them?

If a tree does not have colorful flowers, like the oaks, what tends to pollinate them?

在这里你可以找到玛格丽特·梅普尔斯·奥利弗 & 安妮·梅普尔斯马修斯日本枫(44岁).

玛格丽特·梅普尔斯·奥利弗 & 安妮·梅普尔斯马修斯日本枫44. 玛格丽特·梅普尔斯·奥利弗 & 安妮·梅普尔斯马修斯日本枫 (鸡爪槭)
奥利维亚的生物笔记: Introduced in North America but is native to Japan, China, Korea. The Japanese maple is widely planted in gardens 和 parks with at least 1,品种繁多,特点鲜明. Variety seen in the leaf shape, color, overall appearance. The leaves will turn beautiful shades of red, green, orange, pink, purple.

然后向右转,向卡瑞斯图书馆走去, 途中经过Mclntyre吉野樱桃树(43).

Mclntyre吉野樱桃树43. Mclntyre吉野樱桃树 (Prunus × yedoensis)

琐事 (The answer to this 和 other trivia questions can be found at the end of the virtual tour.)



卡库穿过普赖尔街的人行横道,朝 卡库

在图书馆的左边和后面,你会发现 瓦尔登森林河桦树(39), 海伦·凯勒水橡树(40岁), 红雪松(41), 威廉斯堡银枫(42).

瓦尔登森林河桦树39. 瓦尔登森林河桦树 (桦木属质)
奥利维亚的生物笔记: This small to medium sized tree can have one to several trunks 和 is characterized by rust colored bark that peels horizontally to reveal cream colored inner bark. The River Birch is the only birch that fruits in the spring 和 is the most wetl和 adapted.

海伦·凯勒水橡树40. 海伦·凯勒水橡树 (美洲黑人)

威尔伯和奥维尔·莱特红雪松41. 威尔伯和奥维尔·莱特红雪松 (Juniperus virginiana)

威廉斯堡银枫42. 威廉斯堡银枫 (宏碁saccharinum)

琐事 (The answer to this 和 other trivia questions can be found at the end of the virtual tour.)


What two American transcendentalist writers are associated with the property of Walden? One who owned the property, one who wrote the book Walden after his stay there.



继续在图书馆后面向右走,你就会看到 蒙蒂塞洛梓 (32)马丁·路德·金. 无花果(33).

蒙蒂塞洛梓32. 蒙蒂塞洛梓 (梓叶)

马丁·路德·金. 无花果树33. 马丁·路德·金. 无花果树 (Plantus西方)
特文生物学笔记: You will also notice the large fuzzy balls, the fruit of these amazing trees. 曾经在城市地区作为一种常见的遮荫树, this water tolerant species is now used by environmentalists to appraise wetl和s across the U.S.

琐事 (The answer to this 和 other trivia questions can be found at the end of the virtual tour.)

马丁·路德·金在哪个教堂. 阿拉巴马州牧师?


From here, turn right alongside the library 和 return to the front of the library. 在这个过程中,注意 Alex Haley Silver Maple(31岁)埃德加·爱伦·坡的《bwin》(30岁).

Alex Haley Silver Maple31. Alex Haley Silver Maple (宏碁saccharinum)

埃德加·爱伦·坡·哈克贝里30. 埃德加·爱伦·坡·哈克贝里 (Celtis occidentalis)
特文生物学笔记: Hackberry trees are some of the toughest species of trees found in the U.S. They have a range spreading from southern Canada to Florida 和 are extremely resistant to disease. The berries produced by this tree are a favorite of winter birds; 和 the flowers attract dozens of butterfly species.

琐事 (The answer to this 和 other trivia questions can be found at the end of the virtual tour.)



继续往下 卡特的健身房, Cross Pryor Street, cross it again, then turn to your left.

在你遇到普莱尔之后, turn left 和 walk to the rear of the 教学楼 then right between the 卡特的健身房 和 the 教学楼. 在体育馆前面,你会看到 杰西·欧文斯蜂蜜蝗虫(29岁).

杰西·欧文斯,蜂蜜蝗虫 29. 杰西·欧文斯,蜂蜜蝗虫 (Gleditsia triacanthos)
奥利维亚的生物笔记: The honey locust tree has fascinating compound deciduous leaves. The bell shaped flower appears in late spring to early summer. These trees often display thick clumps of glossy long 和 branching thorns on the trunk 和 lower branches.

沿着沃特斯大厦旁边的人行道继续走下去. 沿着卡特体育馆的墙往左走,你会看到 杰西·欧文斯水橡树(28岁).

杰西·欧文斯水橡树28. 杰西·欧文斯水橡树(黑栎)
特文生物学笔记: 这棵树每年秋天都会掉下大量的橡子, 这里吸引了几十种野生动物. It is easy to identify, just look for the oak with the duck foot shaped leaves. We think this one might be mislabeled 和 is really a willow oak. 你觉得呢??

琐事 (The answer to this 和 other trivia questions can be found at the end of the virtual tour.)



水域大厅 From here you can turn to your right at the front of 水域大厅 和 return to the parking area in front of 桑德里奇学生中心.

bwin中文网希望你喜欢这次旅行. 在你走之前检查一下你的答案!

A deciduous tree sheds all leaves at the end of the growing season 和 has a dormant period after the growing season.

Why does the Southern Live Oak tend to adopt a more sprawling growth habit in South Alabama vs North Alabama?
In South Alabama the Southern Live Oak tends to adopt a more sprawling growth pattern in South Alabama versus North Alabama because in the colder temperatures the vascular tissue of the tree will freeze.

If a tree has large, colorful flowers, like the catalpas, what tends to pollinate them?
如果一棵树上开着五颜六色的大花, 它会吸引蜜蜂, 蝴蝶, moths 和 other pollinators to move pollen from flower to flower.

If a tree does not have colorful flowers, like the oaks, what tends to pollinate them?

The chlorophyll breaks down 和 the green color disappears allowing the beautiful fall colors to show.


What American transcendentalist writer owned the property of Walden?
Ralph Waldo Emerson owned the property while Henry David Thoreau wrote the book.



What breakfast condiment is made from sap of this species of tree? 枫糖浆

马丁·路德·金在哪个教堂. 阿拉巴马州牧师?

The bark cannot accommodate for the fast growth of the trunk 和 branches.


坚硬的树皮是由死细胞组成的. The living cells that make vascular tissue for transporting nutrients are protected on the inner portion of the tree.





原创树之旅由Tevin Terry

Virtual tour, additional biology notes, trivia by Olivia Rizzo.

摄影:Nicholas Rizzo和Stephen Rizzo.